Class Activities

Here, you can find some Game and Activity ideas for using Bitcoin to teach in your classroom. In the future, if you’d like to give back, use the Contact page and send your own ideas and ideas to share with other educators so they can be posted at Bitcoin Classroom.

Activity: Trivia Game

Students: Any Classroom

Target: Any Level

Rise Vision wrote a nice blog post showing how to create a classroom Trivia game for your Bitcoin Classroom content!

Activity: DIY Cryptographic Function

Students: Mathematics

Target: Middle School, High School, University

Bitcoin uses a mathematical cryptographic function called SHA256 which has never been broken. However, creating such a function is far from easy. To help your students to understand both how a cryptographic function works and to have fun learning.

  1. Explain that a cryptographic function uses an input that goes into a mathematical equation (or process, depending on the level of your students).
  2. Give them a simple example to illustrate the function, for example 1+X. Your students choose the input X, and out comes the new output. Explain why this is a terrible cryptographic function (because it’s easy to reverse). Tell your students they need to try and create an equation that is difficult (or impossible to reverse).
  3. Put students into groups and have them try to ‘break’ each other’s functions by seeing an output and finding the input.


Advancing classroom education with Bitcoin.